National Moving Month

May is National Moving Month!

May is National Moving Month because it signals the start of the busiest time of year for the real estate industry, movers, and many families. The summer months are the most common for moving with the break from school and the start of sunny days. Scheduling the moving van and finding a new place to live are just two of the big, obvious items to cross off your checklist! Moving is a process, that’s for sure. It takes a great deal of planning and forethought. Crestline partners with moving companies every day. Since we’ve been through the process so many times, we’re here to share our pro moving tips with you.

Pro Moving Tip # 1: Do your Research and Plan.

The best tip we can offer for moving is to research and plan early. Being in a rush is the greatest cause of stress while moving! Create a Master Moving Plan to keep information and budget costs. It’s a good idea to put all this information in a folder where you can also keep quotes from any moving companies or other delivery services. You need to book your moving company and perhaps auto transport to get your vehicles there on time. If you’re moving across state lines, you might want to consider auto transport as a more budget-friendly option rather than driving. Be sure to avoid scams with moving companies by asking these three questions. Plan out your utilities transfer to make sure you have things like running water, electricity, and cable when you arrive at your new home.

National Moving Month

Pro Moving Tip #2: Clean out and Donate.

Moving is the best time to clean out and organize. You have the opportunity to make a fresh start in your new apartment or home. If you start packing early, you can go through each room and make piles for Keep, Donate, or Trash. If you haven’t worn or used an item in the last 12 months, it isn’t worth the effort to move it! If it’s in good condition, donate it. This way you’ll know when you arrive at your new place that everything you have is what you need.

Pro Moving Tip #3: Label EVERYTHING.

Your brain is moving 100 miles per hour when you’re packing up to move. In order to stay organized, be sure to label every single box. If you want to avoid some serious headaches later, you could even take photos of the contents of each box! A good rule of thumb is to label things by contents and also by what room they belong in. Also, be sure to pack a box labeled “First Week Essentials” that you keep with you. Things to put in this box might include toilet paper, soap, cleaning supplies, a few towels, etc. Think about things you’ll need to get through the first few nights when all the boxes haven’t been opened, or in the event that your moving truck takes an extra day or two.

If you get stressed in the moving process, remind yourself that this transition is the opportunity for a fresh start. New beginnings are exciting and it will be worth it. If you’re moving for military PCS orders, be sure to see our blog on auto transport and your DITY move.

As always, be sure to get your free, no obligation quote from Crestline Auto Transport.

Happy moving!