Why Consider an Eco-Friendly Car?

As you watch the news, you may hear more and more about alternative fuels and electric cars. What was once a novelty in the automotive world has become mainstream as people recognize the negative impact on the environment of millions of vehicles on the road each day. Now you can visit just about any popular car manufacturer, and find a green model: Nissan Leaf, Chevrolet Spark, Toyota Prius, Ford Focus Electric, VW E-Golf, and the list goes on.

But what’s the deal with eco-friendly cars? While protecting the environment may be your first thought, what does that really mean? The benefits of driving a green vehicle are diverse, and touch many different aspects of the environment from animal food chains to pollution and oil extraction.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) more than half of the air pollution in America is due to mobile sources, mainly automobiles. When running, car engines emit several different gasses and other particles that damage the ozone layer, produce known carcinogens, enter the food chain disrupting vital animal systems, and create smog that can have adverse affects on human health. These emissions also contribute to global warming, another hot topic you may be following closely.

Green cars change all of that. Hybrid and electric vehicles produce much lower levels of emissions and consume less gasoline, if any at all. This helps both your wallet and the environment. Think about it: the average eco-friendly car will get you about three times as many miles than with a traditional vehicle. That’s a drastic financial savings, along with fewer visits to the gas station. And as we all know, oil is in limited supply and the extraction process is also harmful to the environment as it takes thousands of chemicals to produce, and can contaminate drinking water. If you drive green, you aren’t contributing to the heavy oil demand.

Additional benefits? Driving green may get you an income tax credit from the U.S. government, as the road tax on your vehicle is tied to the emissions they produce. To find out if your vehicle is eligible, visit www.fueleconomy.gov. You may even get your own lane on the highway. Many major cities now offer lanes just for eco-friendly vehicles as an incentive. When you arrive at your destination, you might also score a great parking spot just because you drive a hybrid or electric.

ACT Expo - 2015

This week is the Advanced Clean Transportation Expo in Long Beach, CA. Crestline is going to be there as one of our long-term objectives is to partner with and service individuals, companies, and organizations that are transitioning their fleets and/or needs to alternative fuel vehicles. Types of alternative fuels for commercial fleets are Compress Natural Gas (CNG), Propane, and Liquid Natural Gas (LNG). The tanks are either included during the assembly of the vehicles at the automotive plants or they are modified at upfitters like Westport, an exclusive Ford Motor Company upfitter of commercial fleet vehicles located in Dallas TX. We are proud of our business relationship with them and Crestline intends to GROW its service support and influence in this alternative fuel space, and that’s why we will be present at this year’s ACT Expo.

If you consider purchasing a green vehicle this year, let us ship it home for you!

Why Consider an Eco-Friendly Car?
Volkswagon eGolf - Eco-Friendly Car

Volkswagon eGolf – Eco-Friendly Car

Nissan Leaf - Eco-Friendly Car

Nissan Leaf – Eco-Friendly Car

Ford Focus Electric - Eco-Friendly Car

Ford Focus Electric – Eco-Friendly Car

Chevrolet Spark - Eco-Friendly Car

Chevrolet Spark – Eco-Friendly Car