Fall Car Care Month 2016
Check your Car Maintenance this October
This blog is just a little reminder that October is a great time to get your car a check-up before cold weather hits. You should schedule regular maintenance for your vehicles twice a year. Back in April we highlighted National Car Care Month with some spring check-up tips for your vehicle. Now we’ve made it through those scorching summer months and we’re here in October with Fall Car Care Month.
These fall days here in Texas have been particularly lovely but we know that winter rains, lots of nighttime driving conditions with fewer hours of daylight and (shudder) winter weather is on the way. Our friends in northern states like Wisconsin or New York might be experiencing some already! Don’t wait until something goes wrong – a small, regular time investment can keep your car running well and for a long time.
We’ll refer you to Be Car Care Aware’s website for all kinds of awesome tips on how to take care of your vehicle. Follow them on Twitter and Facebook. They recommend checking these ten items in the fall for maintenance:
Things like oil levels, transmission and power steering, etc.
May have cracked or deteriorated in summer heat.
Check the connection for corrosion.
Don’t wait for dangerous slippery conditions!
Check for any leaks or damaged parts.
Make sure all components are in good condition.
Is your heater/defrost ready to handle winter weather?
A regular checkup can identify any issues with power, fuel economy, and emissions.
How’s the tread? How are they wearing? In need of alignment?
You’ll need these in prime condition for rainy days.
Now isn’t that a manageable checklist? Call up your local car dealership or vehicle repair shop and find out if they have special rates for Fall Car Care Month. Bonus points if you know how to change a tire for yourself or jump start your car battery (useful skills to have)! It’s inevitable that at some point we will leave our lights on in those rainy dark winter morning.
Don’t forget that trying to ship an inoperable car is costly. Keeping your vehicle regularly serviced ensures that if you need Crestline to help you go from one place to another, you’ll get a great deal!